Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Only In Show Low

Last Night a family friend - Dusty Butler- shot an elk in 3c area and "the boys" my dad, my brother, and kohan, went out to the kill site to see it. Kohan was so excited!! Only in Show Low will you have a picture of your son sitting on a dead elk. LoL. He thought the elk was sleeping at first and didnt want to wake him up. Then he found out it wasn't alive and was all over it. He came back to my parents house to tell me all about hiking in the woods and getting his own flash light and finding the elk, gutting the elk and giving it a ride on a four wheeler. He was pretty excited.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on the elk. Nolan got a big one. He's pretty excited about it. I am excited to hear your having another baby. It's good to check up on people you used to know. If you want to check my blog i had to block it cus a wierdo kept leaving comments i have to invite you email me @meganollie@hotmail.com and I can invite you.