Monday, June 29, 2009

Paige and her accomplishments

This has been a Huge two weeks for Paigeepoo. She is almost four months and She is officially getting her first tooth! It is coming up on the bottom, and she is a grouch about it. She started on Rice formula. And is ALMOST ready to roll over. She can roll from her stomach to her back but not from her back to her stomach. She discovered her feet, and loves them. I have to put socks on her because she is sucking the ends of her toes raw. And she is trying so hard to laugh but just lets out a little grunt and a sigh.. so cute.


TrAvIs aNd SaVaNnA said...

AH she is just too cute.

The Fish Family said...

She is so dang adorable and it makes me want a little girl that much more! What are your plans for the 4th? Greg and I are going to be up there like always so if you are around I will give you a call. Later!